Thursday, February 07, 2013

More bushfires

Very smokey in Hobart today, the fires at Molesworth are sending a haze over the city. Residents have been told to evacuate, hopefully no houses will be burnt. You do wonder how these fires start. So sad for everyone affected.
Clouds of smoke billowing from behind the mountain
Finally finished my next block for the Red Brolly Wish Quilt, do you think I will get all the others finished by Christmas?  This was quite involved (for me anyway) and it came with me to England and back. I have to admit I didn't do all that much of it when I was on holidays.
Only the third block finished, what do I do with my time!


  1. Very nice great work

  2. how horrible that there are more fires.
    lovely stitchery block, that is a favourite of mine and I have stitched it a few times. So pretty!


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