Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Come walk with me

I had a wander around the garden at the weekend and found all these happy faces.

Luckily I managed to miss all the weeds.....and although I haven't yet planted my hellebores, here is one I prepared earlier. My mother's favourite (because she received a bouquet of them when I was born of course).

Monday, August 29, 2011

Maybe one day

Maybe one day my stitching will be so good.

I took a quick visit out to the Hobart Embroidery Guild's exhibition at the Moonah Arts Centre yesterday.

There were some incredible pieces there, including a table of stitching and felting done by 8-11 year olds. Well worth a visit but be quick, only there until Wednesday. Gold coin donation entry so not expensive to see some lovely pieces and get some inspiration.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Shepherds warning

Woke up this morning to a very red sky! Not looking good for a lot of gardening that needs to be done this weekend...
Looking east from my back deck
"The eeuenynge maad, ye seien, It shal be cleer, for the heuene is lijk to reed; and the morwe, To day tempest, for heuen shyneth heuy, or sorwful" Matthew XVI in the Wyclif Bible 1395

"Like a red morn, that ever yet betoken'd wreck to the seaman - sorrow to shepherds." Shakespeare

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Late birthday

Another birthday gift arrived today, well the first bit (a gift certificate from MBD) really came on my birthday and I had the fun of looking through the catalogue and trying to choose what I would get.

This is what I found on the doorstep!

Oh no sorry wrong photo, that was all the packing lol - 10 hellebores for me to plant at the weekend and a couple even had a flower!
Double primrose yellow and double pink already flowering!

All ordered from Peter at Post Office Farm Nursery. If only I lived in Victoria, they have their Open Days until the end of September and you can see the hellebores in full flower, what a sight that would be! Only an hour drive from Melbourne, lovely Sunday drive.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Gilroy Goose

I couldn't put this down last night, not finished but a lot done.

It was waiting for me in my mail box when I arrived home and just couldn't resist starting right away...

I bought the kit from Fabric Patch, it is Anni Downs design from Hatched and Patched. Wonder if it will be finished by tonight?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How cute is this

Tonight's yield is one goodie bucket! It is so cute. I bought the kit at Fresh Fabric in Deloraine on the way back from my Cradle Mountain trip. Very happy that MBD decided to go to Launceston via Deloraine!

Just right to fill up with fat quarters, or threads, or....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Weekend fun/work

It seemed like Spring had arrived on Saturday only to be back to Winter on Sunday! Sunday morning I went to breakfast at the Sorell Providore with my brothers and their partners to celebrate their best sister's birthday. Lots of loot gratefully received :)

On the way home I went to Shiploads and bought a bed and toys for Clay when he visits my place. Then saw an ad last night with the dog beds for half the price!!! Sad news is that Clay will be banned from my backyard as it seems he may be allergic to some of the plants. I will need to get digging (wandering jew all over the place in the far back corner). Clay had a lovely time romping through it.

I did a litle bit of weeding on Saturday and didn't it make a difference. These grevilleas have been flowering all winter and now they can really show off without the weeds choking them.
I spent quite a bit of time digging out these callistemons, the painter had cut them right down to get to the house and I decided they had to go. One down but one still to go...
They look so small but they are so stubborn....

The bulbs are out all over the garden. I picked heaps last weekend and now there are more.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Old photos

I came across a disc of old photos that I had scanned in a few months ago. Here is a little selection.
My lovely grandchildren several years ago with the renowned Stalin who lived his life his way for 19 years.

 My parents 40 years ago outside a town named after Mum

My parents reading to my niece K, their first grandchild.

"oh no" says K - don't you love the 60s chairs. No K isn't that old lol

Happy times with Dad in his usual position with Birralee Silver Shah on his knee

What a giggle, my aunt and I with a couple of my friends in Surfers Paradise. Whoo hoo did I really have such a short dress (I made it too!)

Me again, with my new niece R and my brother R

There is now another house between my place and this times change.

Haven't seen this view for about 30 years - the house in front built on a second storey when we were away on long service leave...

"Now Papa we will water them with all this water on the lawn"

Oh no I don't think my niece was impressed with her new cousin (my daughter N)

Not sure Shah likes you grabbing his fur N...

"Let me go, Papa"

"I'll show you, N"

My old Cooper S in the background.

"Hey, N you can't go anywhere without me." My dog Boo used to follow my daughter around all the time.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eco bags

Another one done, well I did finish on Tuesday but only getting it up today! My friend S, with whom I started work with ummm how many years ago as lowly writing up clerks at the the Hydro Electric Commission, had a birthday last week, yes late again. I chose this material especially for her. Hopefully she will enjoy!

 Very cute egg baskets.
 I really think I have made enough now, well until I get the urge again, they are so easy to make.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Guess who came to dinner?

My son and his partner have adopted a dog from the RSPCA - apparently my grandson! Clay is so cute but decided that at my place he just might sit on the chair...not for long Clay!

 Who could resist!
He is quite big (English foxhound we think)and could hardly fit.
We think he may have been left a couple of times - why I don't know because he is such a good dog as we found this on the web

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Entally House or Cradle Mountain continued...

Saturday morning after a short walk we went to have a look at Entally House. I hadn't been for years so was great to go again. One of the bedrooms had a quilt on the bed donated by a the 'Patchwork 16" sewing group in 1986/87.
 Hexies again! Hey I found some older than mine!

We stayed in Launceston at Peppers Seaport Hotel and was sad the next day when N and C left for home. Oh well time to plan the next visit :)

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Cradle Mountain

Last Thursday I drove off to Cradle Mountain to spend some time with my daughter and her husband. N and C had come down from the Hunter Valley the weekend before and now was time for me to join them. I was very excited.

We stayed at Cradle Mountain Lodge, what a fantastic place. The accomodation was absolutely tops and the meals were just superb.
 This 'splash' is a platypus who delighted us every morning as we went down to breakfast by popping up in unexpected places around the lake. 
 Wild life everywhere, this potoroo was beside the boardwalk between our cabins and the main lodge.
 This cheeky bird came down onto my deck as soon as I opened my door and no I didn't feed him!
 This was the interior of N and C's cabin, just luxury.
 N and C on a rock overlooking Dove Lake. Snow everywhere.
 On Friday we walked around Dove Lake which was very challenging for me as there was a big pile up of snow on the boards making it very slippery. Luckily I had N to help me though!

P.S. Thanks N and C for a lovely birthday present.
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