Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Modern Arbor

What has happened to my view (let alone the danger with power lines disappearing into the trees)!

 My house even disappeared!

 But then Stuart from Modern Arbor came to the rescue. First he ground out all the stumps from some bushes I had removed from the other side of the drive.

 Then disappeared into the shrubbery

 All the branches went into this amazing machine! Stuart had all the safety gear, orange hats out on the road, warning sign on the footpath as well as his personal safety gear.

 Can you believe this fantastic mulcher, I want one lol

 Yay a view again - and this photo was taken on the drive, not even the balcony

 Oh and there is the house (looking special in its new paint!

 AND a big pile of mulch for me to use on the garden.


  1. nothing like a good haircut to make you feel refreshed and lovely!

  2. Looks great, Lib :) Don't think that Mark could've cleared that, hehehe


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