Saturday, May 19, 2012

C'est aujourd'hui tout à propos de nourriture

well when you have to be ready at 6:30am and your hotel won't give you any breakfast, is it a wonder that thoughts turn to

We visited 3 lovely chateaux today.

First was Chamborg. Then on to Chenonceau where we had this fantastic lunch - not to mention very nice local red and rose wines.
The castle at Chenonceau was very interesting - although there is no way I would live in it in winter - the wood bill would be enormous.

Amboise was our last stop - much smaller but some great features, including the long 'tunnel' out where we thought we might be banished to the dungeons forever.....


  1. Anonymous8:37 am

    Your French titles are stretching the brain (maybe you could add some an English translation). Your trip is sounding great but I am not really sure about the 6.30am start - you must be heading off somewhere good. We head home tomorrow and 25 degree days in Hervey Bay will be but a memory. Keep safe/Richard and Jen.

    1. You need to download a little translator app :)
      Hope the weather in Melbourne is being kind to you

  2. Anonymous4:59 pm

    That was not a hoiday starting time and no breakfast! I would have been overcome with hunger. Castles sound lovely. Where to next? Been gardening today but not on the grand scale of the Verseille gardens! Sue


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