Monday, June 15, 2015

Nothing can stop me!

I recently had a little accident and broke my arm. I decided that it wouldn't stop me sewing so as I couldn't do much else (house work, drive etc) I had a lovely time just sewing. Here are a few photos of what I got up to while "incapacitated".

Luckily I am left handed so could hold the ruler with my right arm. My hand didn't work very well although it was the radial head near the elbow that I broke so had to rest the whole arm on the ruler. This is after the operation to insert pins.

The upside is that my daughter came home to look after me and I was able to spend some family time with my son and daughter. This doesn't happen very often!

These are from the Missouri Star Quilt Company tutorial for self-binding receiving blanket. With 2 new babies expected this was an easy project for me.

Bibs were made from left over fabric.

One of the quilts, now finished about about to do the binding

This one is so colourful, love the Amy Butler fabrics

First and only flannelette quilt I will ever make!

Used up all the flannelette for the back!

This is the quilt I made for my great great nephew, all finished now but I can't find a finish photo. Whew can't believe I am old enough to have a great great nephew!

Hmmmm I think my sewing machine was a bit due for a clean!

1 comment:

  1. wow Lib, some gorgeous projects there. Couldn't pic a favourite!
    the Amy butler one looks amazing, those are fabrics I wouldn't know what to do with at all but you have put them together beautifully.
    Pretty fantastic for a woman with a broken arm.
    Hope you have a speedy recovery


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